Hi people,
Well since I last blogged a couple of things have happened
1. The famous "my thumbdrive got burnt to crisp by a faulty laptop" thing
2. I just totally flunked a Eng Design test which marks contribute to 20%...
3. I got overstressed and totally lost it today
Well lets tacke 1 first.....
Simple. I passed him my thumbdrive, he plugs it in. Then the smell of burnt electronics..
then followed by smoke spouting from the laptop and a very hot thumbdrive and a defective laptop...
When he called the technical support hotline... even the technitian on the phone laughed... nice...
So now I have this heavy paperweight of what used to be Sandisk's Fastest Thumbdrive Model...
Now moving on to number 2.....
Yes, I totally couldn't do the test cause I didn't study for it. Partially cause I was doing rehersals for production crew (cca) the whole week from 6pm to 11pm that I had totaly no time to study.
I don't blame them, I just gotta try even harder to manage my time and strike a balance having cca's and yet be able to study. Im just too damn slow a learner to be able to save lots of time on studying...
Oh well the only solution that has ever worked for me was study harder than the rest and yet get generally average results....
And last of all 3....
After a pathetic attempt to rush studying for the test today, I realised in the morning I was totally studying a wrong subject... ya real dumb right.... even I can't believe it...
So I just lost it and didn' even had the mood to go any of the morning lectures... and yes then in the afternoon
the test.....
Well that sums up very vaguely on what has happened so far.
Thanks for reading and caring =)
Stay Well,