Monday, June 1, 2009

Americanisation? Are you still 1980's?

Yes today im talk about influence. Nowadays topics that we discuss all talk about americanisation and how it has changed us, for example our songs and our food. Like for example how we have so many fast food restraunts just like America.

The truth is, if you observe carefully Americanisation was a thing of the past, we no longer follow the American way of living. Notice carefully, what kind of food is the sudden craze? What language does everyone suddenly want to learn? The answer is Japanese!

This new trend Japanisation also nicknamed Nipponisation (lol paint!) is THE trend. We see youngsters watching Anime we see many of them learning Japanese, we see more and more sushi restraunts poping up here and there and have long queues.

Think about it, I seen people say "Oishi" after dinner or "cho teh" when they could say "WAIT" instead, they say "Hai" instead of yes.

Personally Im against this trend. Why u may ask? Well the answer is simple. Are you Japanese? Are your parent's Japanese? If not then why are we acting like someone we are not? They have their culture and we have ours, we have lost our sense of identity of what makes us unique what makes us special and not some other guy following some trend.

So here's my opinion on Japanisation. I know I might anger some people whom swear by the Japanese culture but hey its just my opinion nothing to get angry about. Hope this has been a interesting read for you, thank you for reading and supporting. Thank you

Stay Well,

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